I love when springtime is here every year! The smell of fresh blooms, the sound of chirping birds, and summer is right around the corner. The cooler winter mornings still mingle around but by mid afternoon the sun is warm on your skin and you are eager for those hot summer days spent in swim suits. Take a look at your horoscope written by Heather Rose for this month and find out what springtime has in store for you! 


You probably haven't spent too much time with your family in the last few weeks so this would be a great time to catch up with them. You may discover something about a member of your family that you haven't had time to focus on before. It's definitely something you'll love to hear. 


This is going to be quite the busy month for you, Pisces but you'll hopefully enjoy it with your favorite people. You may be feeling rather confident as well during these few weeks but make sure to pull back on it to avoid family spats. It may be a tense month but you'll enjoy it if you avoid those feuds. 


The focus is definitely going to be on you this month and you may feel a bit paranoid because of all the attention. Try not to fret, Aries as the attention on you is for a good reason. Just relax and bask in the spotlight that your family may shine on you this holiday.


You should try your hand at showing off your cooking skills this month! Have your family gather around this holiday and show them exactly what you can whip up for them. They'll be quite impressed with your skills and you'll probably end up feeling a bit proud. 


This is going to be quite the peaceful month for you, Gemini. If you've felt stressed out and busy the last few months, this is your chance to kick back and relax with your loved ones. Don't take this chance at tranquility for granted. 


You may have had a fight with a loved one lately and it's going to create some tension this holiday. You may end up seeing them at a reunion and you'll feel like you're on eggshells but it would probably be best for you to try and calm things between you two. Keep lines open for communication and you'll find that there may have just been misunderstandings. 


As spring approaches, you feel like this is the month for new changes. You want to renovate something in your life and try at bettering yourself. Take a deep look inside yourself and you'll quickly figure out what it is you need to change to be on a path to a happier you. 


You may feel like speaking your mind this month but that may not be the best idea, Virgo. When you're surrounded by family this holiday, think about the consequences and rewards of what may come from speaking your mind. You know what the correct answer is but it depends on if you're ready to make that choice. 


Your loved ones are coming to your place this month and you're ready to put on a big show. You have had an abundance of energy these past few weeks and you're ready to let it out. This is your time to wow your friends and family. 


On the upcoming holiday week, you may find a bit of luck in your love life. It may be a family friend that you've overlooked before or someone completely new but you'll know who it is as soon as you lock eyes. Don't let this one get away or you may regret it.  


If you've been having an issue with your family lately, this month would be the best to sort it out. You'll have everyone gathered in one room and you'll be able to discuss details and get everyone's input on it. Try not to let your temper get the best of you though or you'll find the issues messier than when you started. 


You need some time to yourself this month, Capricorn. While you may love being around your friends and family, it may not be the best idea to be around them for long. You need time to yourself to think and unwind after the last few months.

Jacque Stuard